Get Connected!
Do you know of an organization, discussion group or email list that might be of interest to your fellow collectors? If so we invite you to email us with the details so we can add it to our list.
What are discussion groups / email lists?
These are email affinity groups that allow people with similiar interests to
correspond via email through a central email server. Simply talk to
the group you send an email to the list email server, the server then takes
care of distributing your email to all of the members. And you, in turn, receive
the email from all of the other members through the server.
Some of the lists are very active and can generate hundreds of messages a week.
Others, particularly the specialized ones, geneate only a handfull of messages
in a given period. Some are 'chatty' like a social club, others are more
straight forward and factual.
Only you can decide which type fits you best. And the only way that you can find
out is to join. Have fun!
We currently have 9 ancient coin email discussion groups listed; ACE (Ancient Coins For Education) Moneta-L, ACM-L (Ancient Coin Market), Numism-L, CoinCom, Numism-Fakes-L, Uncleaned Coins,
Amnumsoc-l and the CoinForgeryDiscussionList.
Eight out the nine lists are hosted by the yahoogroups discussion list service.
ACE (Ancient Coins For Education)
THE site for those who are participating in the Ancient Coins for Education project. Spun off from uncleanedcoins group, students and teachers alike can expect responses from that outstanding group of coin cleaning and attributing buffs!
ACE Web Site
MONETA-L is a list that was created for the lighter side of ancient collecting with a broad range of allowed topics. We like to think of it as an online version of your local coin club. Beginners and advanced collectors are welcome. Moneta currently has over 1,500 subscribers and they are a very active group. This list is co-sponsored by Kevin Barry of Barry & Darling Ancient Coins and Tom Bray of Pieces of Time Ancient Coins.
Moneta-L FAQ
Love Ancients? Want to Buy or Sell?

The ACM! Learn About the Hobby,
Join Our Free Email List! |
ACM (Ancient Coin Market) brings together BUYERS and SELLERS of ancient coins.
That is the purpose of this list! As a member, you will receive announcements of sales from dealers and from other collectors like yourself! You may post your want lists as well. If you are just starting to collect, viewing many different coins for sale from many different sources gives you a chance to improve your knowledge and your eye! We also have a WEBSITE at If you want HISTORY and KNOWLEDGE about the coins you collect, you will enjoy using this resource! It is a work in progress, but we hope to add new content almost every day. Remember that the ACM-L is not really a discussion list. We BRING BUYERS AND SELLERS TOGETHER!
ACM currently has over 1,200 subscribers. If you are looking to buy or sell online, then this is the list for you. This list is also co-sponsored by Thom Bray and Kevin Barry.
NUMISM-L is a list sponsored by the University of S. Carolina and true to its academic background tends towards the technical aspects of the hobby. There is a wealth of information available and many good people.
Coincom, formed in September of 2000. Coincom's stated mission is 'A Forumn Of Unrestricted Commerce and Discussions as pertaining to Ancient Coin Collecting. Only Civility is asked as a requirement'.
For more information you can contact the listowner at:
Numism-Fakes-L is a discussion group about the problem of modern fakes and counterfeits in the ancient coin community. The group discusses known and possible counterfeits.
For more information you can contact the listowner at:
From the yahoogroups description "A place where us "Bottom Feeders can congregate without the ridicule of the elitist of the hobby. A place for buyers,sellers and anyone with an positive opinion on this portion of the Ancient Coin collecting hobby can exchange anything relating to Uncleaned coins. This also will include Greek,Byzantine,Roman and Islamic coin. Any one with negative attitudes will not be allowed."
For more information you can contact the listowner at:
This is a forum for announcements and discussion about the American Numismatic Society and its programs. It is currently unmoderated but all standards of good net etiquette apply. Be nice! In addition, there is one hard and fast rule of this list: absolutely no third-party commercial postings are allowed. These are better directed to lists that focus on particular segments of the numismatic community. Anybody sending such messages may be removed without further notice.
For more information you can contact the listowner at:
And for the truly paranoid, we have...
From the yahoogroups description "
Bulletin board for information and exchange of ideas relating to coin forgery and alterations.
1. No obscene posts.
2. No libelous posts (no posts harming or intending to harm anyones reputation unless you present compelling evidence your claim is true first).
3. No racial, ethnic or religion based attacks on anyone in posts.
4. Struck by poll vote.
5. No commercial posts unless offers of goods or services related to coin forgeries or alterations, links to your commercial sites may be posted discreetly at the end of relevant posts.
6. Struck by moderator (no punishment needed for rule violations as the list is now moderated and moderators can block any post). "
For more information you can contact the listowner at:
How to subscribe to the various groups.
In general, joining one of these groups is a 2 step process. The 1st step
is to send a blank email (no text required) to the appropriate email address.
The 2nd step is to wait to for a confirmation email to arrive, this you must reply to in order to confirm your registration. After that, sit
back and enjoy the conversation.
Subscribe to ACE
Subscribe to ACM / MONETA-L.
Subscribe to NUMISM-L.
American Numismatic Association (ANA)
American Numismatic Society (ANS)
Subscribe to COINCOM
Subscribe to NUMISM-FAKES-L
Subscribe to AMNUMSOC-L
Subscribe to CoinForgeryDiscussionList
The Celator Magazine
Finally, it is highly recommended that you consider a subscription to
The Celator magazine for ancient coins and
antiquitues. It is a monthly magazine loaded with facts and information for
beginning and advanced collectors. For more information visit their web site. When
you contact them, be sure to ask for a free trial issue.