
We accept coins and artifacts for consignment sale, either through our VCoins store or through VAuctions. We also have an eBay account with over 1,000 positive feedback if that venue appears to be more appropriate for your consignment.
We charge a 15% commission on consignment sales, plus credit card fees (if applicable). There is a minimum charge of $15 for each items. High value item commissions are negotiable. The charge covers our time for evaluation, imaging and listing an item. For low value items that are put into bulk lots, the commission and minimum charge are the same, but charged on a per lot basis.
Please be sure to contact us before sending any items for consignment. If you email us, include a list of the items that you would like to consign and images, if possible. We will let you know if your items are acceptable for consignment.
When shipping your items to us, we strongly recommend insured mail. Also, make sure that you include any documentation on your items in the shipment. This is especially important with antiquities. An item with provenance and documentation will always bring a higher price. So it is in your best interest to make sure that we have all of the information that we need to get you the best possible price.
Kevin Barry
PO Box 614
Point Pleasant, NJ 08742
Telephone: (732) 840-8451
Kevin at
Caveats and the Fine Print:
We want to be honest with you. What was hot five years ago, may not be in demand
This means that a significant profit over what you originally paid for an item or even any profit at all cannot be guaranteed. It all depends on what you paid, how long ago it was and what the cycle was at that time. We research each consigned item to find the current selling price or , if a comparable item cannot be found, rely on our own past experience. We do keep in mind your costs, but the bottom line is what that item is selling for today. It does no good for you (or us) to list an overpriced item that will gather dust for an extended period of time.